Thursday, October 28, 2021

PhD positions at LIB, Bonn

From the Inbox:

Dear colleagues,


I'm currently offering two PhD positions in my recently started SAW-funded junior research group on "Hybrid swarm evolution of native and invasive Phoxinus spp. to the river Sieg, Germany" at the ZMB and ZTM. For those wondering: it's vertebrates --> fish.


The exciting thing is that I am looking for i) one person specialising on ecology and morphology of the fishes and ii) the other person focusing on the genomics. So I'd say the project encompasses a large bouquet for different interests and abilities that jointly venture to understand the hybridisation processes and the invasiveness of hybrids in locally endangered minnow populations.


Deadline is Nov. 7 2021, apply here!


Thanks and best wishes,








              Dr. Madlen Stange