The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded $250,000 to the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, the National Park Service,
and the Schoodic Education and Research Center Institute for a
new project that will involve visitors to the Acadia National
Park in hands-on
scientific research.
The project, called "Pathway to BioTrails," will involve members of
the public in monitoring animal and plant species in Acadia National
Park and Frenchman Bay using DNA Barcoding. Currently many citizen science projects spend
more time on species identification and less on the actual scientific
and educational goals of the project. The idea is to validate tentative identifications made by citizen scientists using DNA Barcodes and thereby increasing both the scientific and educational value of a
BioTrails will offer a range of citizen
science projects organized around hiking, cycling and sea-kayaking
trails to people who visit Acadia National Park. The trails will serve as consistent observation points where
specimens and other data can be collected. Research scientists will use this information to address
important ecological research questions, such as the relationship
between climate change and changes in biodiversity.
The two-year
initial project will feature four, five-day citizen science events – two
in 2013 and two in 2014 – that will help build and use DNA Barcode
'libraries' for a selection of Acadia's invertebrate animal species.
Volunteers for each of the citizen science events will be recruited
through education and outreach channels already established by the participating institutions. Volunteers will also be recruited online
through a website that connects educators and students to researchers through citizen science projects.
The principal investigator on the project, Karen
James, hopes that the BioTrails concept, once tested in Acadia National
Park, can be expanded to other national parks and long-distance trails. "A network of local, regional and
national BioTrails programs, helping citizen scientists contribute to
ecological questions of national and international importance," said
James, "could aid in monitoring and managing wildlife in a rapidly
changing world."
Congratulations to Karen and her team!