So far the problem was restricted to San Diegio County but now the species was found 65 km north in Riverside County which is very alarming for local authorities. Larvae extracted from under the bark of a recently-killed California black oak were subjected to DNA analysis at the University of California Riverside and confirmed to be Agrilus auroguttatus.
For a while DNA Barcoding has been suggested as preventive tool by researchers from e.g. New Zealand and Canada. Earlier this year researchers from California have tested the potential of DNA Barcoding for biological control of this particular pest.
As for the one discovered in Riverside County it is believed to have made the jump from San Diego through the movement of infested firewood. It is my hope that this was an isolated find and the early discovery helps to stop it from spreading further North. Its close relatives, the emerald ash (Agrilus planipennis) and bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius) have caused more than enough havoc among North American trees. This species now poses a major threat to susceptible oak species throughout California, southern Oregon, and beyond. Currently there are no effective tools for
protecting trees once infestation occurs.
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