Brochopeltis mjoebergi Verhoeff, 1924 is redescribed from type and new material, a lectotype is designated and B. mjoebergi queenslandica Verhoeff, 1924 is synonymised with B. mjoebergi. B. mediolocus sp. n. is the first native paradoxosomatid described from Australia’s Northern Territory.
A new species of the order Polydesmida (flat-backed millipedes) which is the largest order of millipedes with about 3,500 species that also includes the millipede species that are known to produce hydrogen cyanide.
no DNA Barcodes
Comidoblemmus sororius, Comidoblemmus excavatus
Two new species of Comidoblemmus Storozhenko & Paik, 2009 are described and illustrated, C. sororius sp. n. (CHINA, Zhejiang) and C. excavatus sp. n. (CHINA, Guizhou). A key and a distribution map of all species in the world are presented.
The genus Comidoblemmus is a fairly new one, described in 2009. Until now it contained only one species, Comidoblemmus nipponensis, widely distributed in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Both species names refer to morphological characteristics.
no DNA Barcodes
Anteon huettingeri
A new species of Anteon Jurine, 1807 is described from Thailand, Nan Province: A. huettingeri sp. n. Morphologically the new species is similar to A. borneanum Olmi, 1984, A. jurineanum Latreille, 1809, A. insertum Olmi, 1991, A. yasumatsui Olmi, 1984, A. sarawaki Olmi, 1984, A. thai Olmi, 1984 and A. krombeini Olmi, 1984, but it is clearly different for the numerous sensorial processes present on the inner side of the paramere; these processes are absent in the other above species. Published identification keys to the Oriental species of Anteon are modified to include the new species.
These little Hymenoptera are actually parasitoids of leafhoppers, planthoppers and treehoppers and as such candidates for biocontrol. This new species from Thailand was named after its collector, Dr Ernst Hüttinger.
no DNA Barcodes
Crematogaster erectepilosa, Crematogaster gullukdagensis
Crematogaster (Crematogaster) jehovae var. cypria Santschi, 1930 is raised to species rank. Two new, related species are described from the north-eastern part of the Mediterranean Basin: Crematogaster (Crematogaster) erectepilosa sp. n. (Dodecanese, Greece) and Crematogaster (Crematogaster) gullukdagensis sp. n. (Antalya Prov., Turkey). These three species are well distinguished from other species of the subgenus Crematogaster of the north-eastern part of the Mediterranean Basin in their first gastral tergite bearing numerous erect setae. Colour photographs of all taxa are provided, a key to the species of Crematogaster cypria group and species groups of the Crematogaster s. str. from the north-eastern Mediterranean region are given and a list of Crematogaster s. str. described from this region is provided.
The two new ant species have been named either after some erect setae on the antennal scape and after the type locality, the Güllük Dag mountains in the Antalya Province of Turkey.
no DNA Barcodes
Triplocania bravoi, Triplocania erwini, Triplocania trifida, Triplocania lamasoides
Four species of Triplocania, three with M3 simple, based on male specimens and one with forewing M3 forked, based on male and female specimens, are here described and illustrated, namely: Triplocania bravoi sp. n. (Napo: Ecuador), Triplocania erwini sp. n. (Napo: Ecuador), Triplocania trifida sp. n. (Mato Grosso and Rondônia: Brazil) and Triplocania lamasoides sp. n. (Rondônia: Brazil). They differ from all the other species in the genus, in which the males are known, by the hypandrium and phallosome structures. The female is first described for the M3 forked group. The identification key for males of the M3 forked group is updated.
More booklice species, this time from Brazil and Ecuador. Two species are named after fellow scientists (T. bravoi, T. erwini), and two after some morphological features and similarities to other species.
no DNA Barcodes
Putterlickia neglecta
Putterlickia neglecta, a new species here described and illustrated, is known from South Africa (Mpumalanga and northeastern KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland and southern Mozambique. It is considered a near-endemic to the Maputaland Centre of Endemism. Plants grow as a shrub or small tree in savanna and thicket, or in the understory of inland, coastal and dune forests. Vegetatively it superficially resembles P. verrucosa, the species with which it has hitherto most often been confused.
Both species have stems with prominently raised lenticels, but P. neglecta differs from P. verrucosa in having sessile to subsessile leaves with mostly entire, revolute leaf margins, flowers borne on pedicels 8–15 mm long, with petals up to 6 mm long and spreading or slightly recurved. Putterlickia verrucosa has leaves with distinct petioles, spinulose-denticulate margins, much smaller flowers borne on pedicels up to 4 mm long, with petals up to 2 mm long and erect or slightly spreading. The relatively large flowers of P. neglecta resemble those of P. pyracantha, but the latter differs in having stems with obscure or sunken lenticels, leaf margins entire or spinulose-denticulate and inflorescence axes as well as pedicels usually reddish. A comparative table to distinguish among the five currently recognized species of Putterlickia is provided.
The species name refers to the fact that this particular species has for a long time been overlooked.
no DNA Barcodes
Two new species of Comidoblemmus Storozhenko & Paik, 2009 are described and illustrated, C. sororius sp. n. (CHINA, Zhejiang) and C. excavatus sp. n. (CHINA, Guizhou). A key and a distribution map of all species in the world are presented.
The genus Comidoblemmus is a fairly new one, described in 2009. Until now it contained only one species, Comidoblemmus nipponensis, widely distributed in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Both species names refer to morphological characteristics.
no DNA Barcodes
Anteon huettingeri

These little Hymenoptera are actually parasitoids of leafhoppers, planthoppers and treehoppers and as such candidates for biocontrol. This new species from Thailand was named after its collector, Dr Ernst Hüttinger.
no DNA Barcodes
Crematogaster erectepilosa, Crematogaster gullukdagensis

The two new ant species have been named either after some erect setae on the antennal scape and after the type locality, the Güllük Dag mountains in the Antalya Province of Turkey.
no DNA Barcodes
Triplocania bravoi, Triplocania erwini, Triplocania trifida, Triplocania lamasoides
Four species of Triplocania, three with M3 simple, based on male specimens and one with forewing M3 forked, based on male and female specimens, are here described and illustrated, namely: Triplocania bravoi sp. n. (Napo: Ecuador), Triplocania erwini sp. n. (Napo: Ecuador), Triplocania trifida sp. n. (Mato Grosso and Rondônia: Brazil) and Triplocania lamasoides sp. n. (Rondônia: Brazil). They differ from all the other species in the genus, in which the males are known, by the hypandrium and phallosome structures. The female is first described for the M3 forked group. The identification key for males of the M3 forked group is updated.
More booklice species, this time from Brazil and Ecuador. Two species are named after fellow scientists (T. bravoi, T. erwini), and two after some morphological features and similarities to other species.
no DNA Barcodes
Putterlickia neglecta
Putterlickia neglecta, a new species here described and illustrated, is known from South Africa (Mpumalanga and northeastern KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland and southern Mozambique. It is considered a near-endemic to the Maputaland Centre of Endemism. Plants grow as a shrub or small tree in savanna and thicket, or in the understory of inland, coastal and dune forests. Vegetatively it superficially resembles P. verrucosa, the species with which it has hitherto most often been confused.
Both species have stems with prominently raised lenticels, but P. neglecta differs from P. verrucosa in having sessile to subsessile leaves with mostly entire, revolute leaf margins, flowers borne on pedicels 8–15 mm long, with petals up to 6 mm long and spreading or slightly recurved. Putterlickia verrucosa has leaves with distinct petioles, spinulose-denticulate margins, much smaller flowers borne on pedicels up to 4 mm long, with petals up to 2 mm long and erect or slightly spreading. The relatively large flowers of P. neglecta resemble those of P. pyracantha, but the latter differs in having stems with obscure or sunken lenticels, leaf margins entire or spinulose-denticulate and inflorescence axes as well as pedicels usually reddish. A comparative table to distinguish among the five currently recognized species of Putterlickia is provided.
The species name refers to the fact that this particular species has for a long time been overlooked.
no DNA Barcodes
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