Kessleria cottiensis, Kessleria dimorpha, Kessleria alpmaritimae, Kessleria apenninica, Kessleria orobiae
The taxonomy of Kessleria, a highly specialized montane genus of Yponomeutidae with larval host restriction to Saxifragaceae and Celastraceae (Saxifraga spp. – subgenus Kessleria; Saxifraga spp. and Parnassia spp. – subgenus Hofmannia), is revised based on external morphology, genitalia and DNA barcodes. An integrative taxonomic approach supports the existence of 29 species in Europe (the two known species from Asia and North America are not treated herein). A full 658 bp fragment of COI was obtained from 135 specimens representing 24 species, a further seven sequences are >560 bp. Five new species are described: Kessleria cottiensis sp. n. (Prov. Torino, Italy; Dep. Hautes Alpes, France), Kessleria dimorpha sp. n. (Dep. Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France), Kessleria alpmaritimae sp. n. (Dep. Alpes-Maritimes, France), Kessleria apenninica sp. n. (Prov. Rieti, Prov. L´Aquila, Italy), and Kessleria orobiae sp. n. (Prov. Bergamo, Italy).
Five new species of a genus with a highly specialized host-plant relationship with the plant family Saxifragaceae. Names refer to type localities with one exception (K. dimorpha) which refers to differences between females and males.
DNA Barcodes available
Edmockfordia calderonae, Edmockfordia saenzi
Two new species of Edmockfordia García Aldrete, from Valle del Cauca, Colombia, and the female of E. chiquibulensis García Aldrete, are described and illustrated. A key to the species of Edmockfordia is included; the genus was previously known only from Belize. The genus is re-diagnosed to include female characters. The distribution of the genus is considerably widened, from Belize to northeastern South America.
Two new species of booklice from Colombia. The authors honor two graduate students that helped collecting the specimens by naming the species after them. Pretty nice gesture that sets a precedent. Dear supervisors: here is a way of saying thank you to your students.
no DNA Barcodes
Potamonautes isimangaliso
A new species of freshwater crab, Potamonautes isimangaliso sp. n., is described from the western shores of False Bay, Hluhluwe, within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa. While bearing a superficial resemblance to P. lividus, the new species has been found to be genetically distinct, diverging from the former by 7.4–7.8% in mtDNA. Potamonautes isimangaliso most closely resembles P. lividus, but is distinguished by a unique suite of carapace characters, colouration, and size. The new species also lives in close association with oxygen-poor, fresh ephemeral pans, while the habitat of P. lividus is well above the surface water line of the closest water body. An updated identification key for the Potamonautes species of South Africa is provided.
Another week with a new species of freshwater crab. This one is from South Africa. The species is named after the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, in KwaZulu-Natal where it was found.
no DNA Barcodes (although the paper refers to a COI sequence it cannot be accessed anywhere)
Meteorona kishinouyei
A new family, genus and species of cubozoan box jellyfish belonging to the order Chirodropida is reported from the eastern Japan. Meteorona kishinouyei gen. et sp. n. possesses the following unique morphological characters with respect to other known species in the Chirodropida: having one tentacle per scalpel-like unbranched pedalium and slightly raised unbranched gastric saccules. A comparative table of the primary diagnostic characters of genus and order in the Chirodropida is given. The order Chirodropida is redefined. The family Chiropsellidae is established. Discussion is provided on the implications for these findings on our current understanding of Cubozoan systematics.
Everything is new here, new species in a new genus in a new family. The genus name comes from the meteor-like appearance of the jellyfish shooting through the sea while swimming. The species is named after Professor Kamakichi Kishinouye.
no DNA Barcodes (only 18S rRNA)
Zachobiella yunanica
The genus Zachobiella Banks, 1920 is reviewed and a new species Zachobiella yunanica sp. n. described from China. All species found in China are redescribed, and Zachobiella submarginata Esben-Petersen, 1929 is recorded from China for the first time. A key to the adults of Zachobiella is provided.
A new brown lacewing species from the Chinese province Yunnan, hence the species name.
no DNA Barcodes
Goniothalamus flagellistylus
A new species, Goniothalamus flagellistylus Tagane & V. S. Dang, sp. nov. from Hon Ba Nature Reserve in Khanh Hoa Province, South Vietnam is described and illustrated. This species is most similar to Goniothalamus tortilipetalus M.R.Hend., but distinct in having 308–336 stamens (vs. ca. 170–260) and ca.120 carpels (vs. ca. 50–100) per flower, and Stigma and pseudostyles ca.8.5 mm (vs. 4–4.5 mm) long.
A new species of the custard apple family. The species name is in reference to its flexuous styles.
DNA Barcodes available (rbcL and matK)
The taxonomy of Kessleria, a highly specialized montane genus of Yponomeutidae with larval host restriction to Saxifragaceae and Celastraceae (Saxifraga spp. – subgenus Kessleria; Saxifraga spp. and Parnassia spp. – subgenus Hofmannia), is revised based on external morphology, genitalia and DNA barcodes. An integrative taxonomic approach supports the existence of 29 species in Europe (the two known species from Asia and North America are not treated herein). A full 658 bp fragment of COI was obtained from 135 specimens representing 24 species, a further seven sequences are >560 bp. Five new species are described: Kessleria cottiensis sp. n. (Prov. Torino, Italy; Dep. Hautes Alpes, France), Kessleria dimorpha sp. n. (Dep. Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France), Kessleria alpmaritimae sp. n. (Dep. Alpes-Maritimes, France), Kessleria apenninica sp. n. (Prov. Rieti, Prov. L´Aquila, Italy), and Kessleria orobiae sp. n. (Prov. Bergamo, Italy).
Five new species of a genus with a highly specialized host-plant relationship with the plant family Saxifragaceae. Names refer to type localities with one exception (K. dimorpha) which refers to differences between females and males.
DNA Barcodes available
Edmockfordia calderonae, Edmockfordia saenzi
Two new species of Edmockfordia García Aldrete, from Valle del Cauca, Colombia, and the female of E. chiquibulensis García Aldrete, are described and illustrated. A key to the species of Edmockfordia is included; the genus was previously known only from Belize. The genus is re-diagnosed to include female characters. The distribution of the genus is considerably widened, from Belize to northeastern South America.
Two new species of booklice from Colombia. The authors honor two graduate students that helped collecting the specimens by naming the species after them. Pretty nice gesture that sets a precedent. Dear supervisors: here is a way of saying thank you to your students.
no DNA Barcodes
Potamonautes isimangaliso
A new species of freshwater crab, Potamonautes isimangaliso sp. n., is described from the western shores of False Bay, Hluhluwe, within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa. While bearing a superficial resemblance to P. lividus, the new species has been found to be genetically distinct, diverging from the former by 7.4–7.8% in mtDNA. Potamonautes isimangaliso most closely resembles P. lividus, but is distinguished by a unique suite of carapace characters, colouration, and size. The new species also lives in close association with oxygen-poor, fresh ephemeral pans, while the habitat of P. lividus is well above the surface water line of the closest water body. An updated identification key for the Potamonautes species of South Africa is provided.
Another week with a new species of freshwater crab. This one is from South Africa. The species is named after the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, in KwaZulu-Natal where it was found.
no DNA Barcodes (although the paper refers to a COI sequence it cannot be accessed anywhere)
Meteorona kishinouyei

Everything is new here, new species in a new genus in a new family. The genus name comes from the meteor-like appearance of the jellyfish shooting through the sea while swimming. The species is named after Professor Kamakichi Kishinouye.
no DNA Barcodes (only 18S rRNA)
Zachobiella yunanica
The genus Zachobiella Banks, 1920 is reviewed and a new species Zachobiella yunanica sp. n. described from China. All species found in China are redescribed, and Zachobiella submarginata Esben-Petersen, 1929 is recorded from China for the first time. A key to the adults of Zachobiella is provided.
A new brown lacewing species from the Chinese province Yunnan, hence the species name.
no DNA Barcodes
Goniothalamus flagellistylus

A new species of the custard apple family. The species name is in reference to its flexuous styles.
DNA Barcodes available (rbcL and matK)
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