Found this today in my inbox and thought there might be some readers that are interested:
Special Session 25
High-Throughput Sequencing in Limnology
The advances in high-throughput sequencing provide a very interesting possibility to study eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic genes in freshwater system. The sequencing depth allows us to face fundamental ecological questions in important topics such as temporal and spatial successions, community ecology, metabolic redundancies, and evolution, to only name a few of them. This sessions intends to provide an overview on work that is currently conducted in aquatic sciences using high-throughput sequencing as well as give an outlook on the possibilities opened up by this methodology. If you are part of the community of limnologist that advance the field by the use of high-throughput sequencing, we kindly invite you to submit your abstract to our special session.
Deadline for submission of abstract: February 1st
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