Over the course of last year a couple of US States and Cities in Canada have decided to ban shark fin products. Canada, which prohibits shark finning, has a heavily regulated shark fishing and trade industry but the import is much less regulated and therefore municipalities such as Toronto, Mississauga, and Nanaimo have started regional efforts to reduce the import. It is a slow process and many communities hesitate as there is opposition to such bans especially from business owners selling shark fin products. A few days ago in an attempt to test what species of sharks are actually sold activists from the Vancouver Animal Defense League tried to obtain shark fin soup samples for DNA testing from a Richmond restaurant owner. Activists and owner got into an argument that went through the press. This again fuels discussions about the pros and cons of such regional bans and their impact on the economy.
Sharks are fascinating but they have been in trouble long before Spielberg's Jaws (which didn't help to make things better). Many humans fear them although there is little evidence indicating that sharks are really very
dangerous. Sharks have much more to fear from humans than humans have to fear
from sharks.
Most sharks are active predators and eat
primarily fish, although the great white shark will also prey upon seals, sea
lions and other marine mammals. Some sharks eat bottom-dwelling animals such as
crabs, and others scavenge for dead animals. Some sharks such as the whale
shark feed rather passively by swimming with their mouth open to collect
plankton and small fish. Sharks are high on the ocean's food chain. They
typically eat thousands of smaller fish during the course of their lives. As
predators, they conserve energy by eating the slow, weak or sick fish in a
school. They are, therefore, important to the ecological balance of the marine
environment in that they eliminate the genetically weaker animals in a
population as well as keeping population sizes in balance.

Sharks, and their relatives the rays and
chimaeras, provide about 1% of world fisheries landings reported to FAO, or
some 700,000 to 800,000 tons; perhaps 70-100 million animals. About 60% of
these are sharks, around 40% skates and rays. These figures are undoubtedly an
underestimate, because many countries under-report their catches and ignore
bycatch, discards and recreational fisheries. Actual catches may be twice that
reported. Also, there is worldwide concern that the increased demand for shark
fins will have a devastating impact on shark populations and stocks. Shark fins
are a highly prized commodity in many Asian cultures. Shark fins infer
financial status and are traditionally used in soups served at important
occasions such as weddings. The increase in middle-class wealth in many shark fin consumer
countries has significantly increased the demand for such products; the largest
market is Hong Kong. The 2005 FAO estimate of
world exports of dried shark fins was US$ 220 million.

Most shark fisheries around the world are
virtually unmonitored and completely unmanaged. However, it is widely
recognized that the need for introducing shark fisheries management is now very
urgent and that a precautionary approach to the management is essential. One of
the major problems associated with monitoring and enforcement is the likelihood
of misidentification. This can arise both because some shark and ray species
are difficult to distinguish morphologically, and because of ethnic differences
in understanding or interpreting common names. Also, little is known of the
identity of species in confiscated shark fin catches and processed shark meat,
but in recent years genetic approaches have been deployed to resolve this issues. Way back in 2002 Mahmood Shivji and colleagues proposed a multiplex primer method to identify a few shark species from body parts and in 2009 we published a study about the successful DNA Barcoding of shark fins confiscated in Australia. Over the years researchers have assembled DNA reference Barcodes for 51% of all elasmobranch species (www.fishbol.org).
Unfortunately this work largely went unnoticed and several attempts to obtain funds for a global collaborative project to assemble a barcode library for the remaining species were unsuccessful. The figure above and some text in this blog are part of some of my own unsuccessful grant proposals. They either didn't fit the portfolio of some funding agencies at that time or simply weren't attractive enough. This might have changed though. A collaborative study of the Stony
Brook University in New York, the Field Museum in Chicago and Pew Environment
Group in Washington, D.C. barcoded samples of shark fin soup
in 14 U.S. cities and their results went through the press also triggering the events described at the beginning. They were able to detect the presence of shark in just 32 of 51 bowls of soup. Of those, six could not be
linked to a particular species, but the rest were identified. Those identified
were all threatened (one endangered) or vulnerable, according to the
IUCN Red List.
The real issue is not the cruel practice of shark finning as such. No doubt it is bad and absolutely unnecessary. However, a ban of shark fins can only be the beginning. Sharks and rays need far more protection from humans as they are also fished for other food items, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, the latter leading to products of highly questionable benefit. It is a multimillion dollar business to the expense of these mighty ocean creatures.
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