The first is a colleague working as collections technician at our institute, Valérie Lévesque-Beaudin. Valérie is an entomologist with a passion for macro photography and of course most of her images show her favorite organisms - arthropods. I selected one photo (above) I particular like but have a look at her Flickr presence for a much larger selection.
Number two is Thomas Shahan, who was nicely introduced in an article by the Smithsonian magazine and on TV. Just look at the moth I grabbed from his Flickr site.
Number three used to work for BIO as well. His name is Jay Cossey and I had the pleasure to take him to an expedition to the Great Barrier Reef a number of years ago. His insect photo's are stunning and his work was recognized before, e.g. he did all 24 images for the first ever National Geographic Butterfly Calendar. I choose an image showing him in front of one of his photos. I believe this photo was taking for a university publication way back then.
The last of my 'photo heroes' today is Sam Harris who is a Graduate Student (Ph. D. in Biology) and Teaching/Research Assistant at the University of Tulsa. At least that's what his Flickr profile said where I found some awesome spider portraits.
There are of course many more talents out there and I promise to post more in the future. In case you know of any please let me know or add a link or a name in the comments.
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